For 100% original products, let’s Goto
For timely delivery, let's goto
If my refund gets validated, how and when will I get reimbursed?
Refund process begins after we have completed Quality Check on your returned product. The quality check process may take 1 to 2 days from the date we receive the returned item. We will notify you of the result as soon as the quality check is complete.
As a refund, you can either claim a store credit Refund Voucher of the amount you had paid for your returned item or you could ask for a complete cash refund. In case of a store credit voucher, you can use the store credit voucher for a new purchase on the website subtracting that amount from the new total. In case of a cash refund, the refund based on the amount will either be refunded via an online bank transfer into your bank account, or via a cheque mailed to your address.
In case of credit card payments, refund can either be claimed as a store credit Refund Voucher or via transaction reversal.
Reimbursed time frame post quality check:
Refund Type | Time Frame |
Refund Voucher |
24 hours |
Bank Account Refund |
5-7 Days |
Credit Card Reversal |
10-15 Days |
What is a Refund Voucher?
A Refund Voucher is a return mechanism of equal worth to the value paid for the item that you have returned.
You can use a Refund Voucher at checkout to discount the amount of the voucher from your next purchase. This Refund Voucher can be used on multiple purchases (if the purchase value is less than the amount of the refund voucher) until your refund voucher balance amount is Rs. 0.
A refund voucher is valid for 180 days you need to use your voucher during this period, post which the voucher will expire and cannot be used.
How do I use my Refund Voucher?
If you have been issued a Refund Voucher, you will receive a discount voucher code via email.
Please enter this code in the discount code box and click "Apply Code" during checkout at payment step. A corresponding deduction will be applied to your total amount.
If my returned product is not validated for refund, how do I get informed?
If your return is invalid then we will call you to explain the issue and send the item(s) back to you. We will arrange the delivery of the item. Please make sure you are available at the corresponded time to accept the item at your doorstep. Failure to delivery will result in us holding your item for a 30 day period which you can collect yourself from our office.
I have bought an item on promotion or with a Discount Code. What amount will you refund me?
For items purchased on sale, if a refund is allowed on the sale item, the amount refunded will be the exact amount paid for the item, and not its original value.
For example: If you purchased an item on sale for Rs. 500 and its original value was Rs. 1000, we will refund you Rs. 500 only.
If you purchased an item with a Refund voucher, we will refund you the sum of the amount you paid (including the amount of the refund voucher used).
Please read through our Return Policy on this page to understand our return procedures and make sure your item is eligible for return.
You will have 7 days after an item is delivered to you to notify us that you want to return the item. This means if your item was delivered e.g. on the 5th of the month, you have till the 12th to initiate a return. If the item you wish to return meets the criteria mentioned below, your return can be initiated by calling our helpline at (021)-111-11GOTO (4686) which is available 24/7
Returning an item is simple, just follow the steps mentioned below:
If validated and Quality Check passes, you will be refunded for the item
What are the conditions for returning an item and what is the procedure?
Your item cannot be returned if it belongs to one of the following restricted categories . (These categories are restricted from returns owing to certain business, health or hygiene reasons).
If you bought a General Merchandise or Electronic item (anything other than a Fashion or Beauty product), please refer to the requirements stated in the chart below.
What is the reason for return? | What are the conditions for returning the item? | How long after delivery can I submit my claim and what do I do? | What do I get and when? |
Item is not the one ordered or is not as advertised |
• Seal must be intact as delivered, item in original condition and not used • Item must include all packaging and accessories (including warranty cards, manuals, certificates of authenticity, tags, etc.) |
1. Call Goto helpline within 7 days of delivery to initiate return 2. Our customer representative will help you locate the closest drop-off point to your location. 3. Fill the return form and pack the item ready for drop-off. |
A full refund after receiving the product back in the form of : •Store Credit Voucher: 1 business day post quality check •Bank transfer or cheque: 5-7 business days post quality check •Credit card reversal: 10-15 business days post quality check |
Item is defective, counterfeit or damaged at the time of delivery |
• Item must be in original condition • Item must include all packaging and accessories(including warranty cards, manuals , certificates of authenticity, tags, etc) |
All Fashion and Beauty products that are not in one of the above restricted categories, can be returned for any reason, provided they meet the requirements stated in the chart below.
What is the reason for my complaint? | What are the conditions for returning the item? | How long after delivery can I submit my claim and what do I do? | What do I get and when? |
You changed your mind or don’t like the item |
• Item must be in original condition as delivered • Item must not be used and must not have any stain or mark on it. • Item must include all packaging, accessories and/or tags. |
1. Call the Goto helpline within 7 days of delivery to initiate return 2. Our customer representative will help you locate the closest drop-off point to your location. 3. Fill the return form and pack the item ready for drop-off. |
A full refund after receiving the product back in the form of : • Store Credit Voucher: 1 business day post quality check •Bank transfer or cheque: 5-7 business days post quality check •Credit card reversal: 10-15 business days post quality check |
Item is not the one ordered or is not as advertised |
Item is defective, counterfeit or damaged at the time of delivery |
How to Request a Return?
You can request to initiate a return by contacting our helpline at (021)-111-11GOTO (4686) or to confirm that your product is eligible for return. We will explain to you the return procedure, and We will explain to you the return procedure and confirm the nearest service provider location where you can drop-off the product. or confirm the nearest service provider location where you can drop-off the product.
Please be prepared to give the following pieces of information:
Can I request a replacement rather than a refund?
If you prefer to replace your product, just let our Customer Service executive know your choice and we will call you as soon as your initial product has been received, and we have looked into availability of the replacement product. If you choose a refund voucher, you can use it to buy a similar product or a different product on yourself using the amount originally paid for the returned item.
If my returned product is not validated for return, how am I informed?
If your return does not meet the Quality Check criteria, then we will call you to explain the issue and send the item(s) back to you. We will arrange the delivery of the item.
Note: We will make 3 attempts to return the product to you. Please make sure to be available for a scheduled delivery.
As a general rule, Goto does not offer any product warranties as these are provided by the manufacturers or brands of products. However, our Customer Service will assist you in any way possible to figure out how to claim your warranty from the company, or warranty provider.
How do I know if my product has a warranty?
Different products are covered under different warranty policies. To confirm the warranty type of a particular item, please note the following steps
How can I claim warranty?
Warranty claims are subject to the warranty coverage of the item you have purchased, if the product has a warranty from the brand, a warranty card will be included in the packaging. Please follow the following steps to initiate a warranty claim.
Note: We urge you to save the invoice and warranty card together to ease warranty claim process.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time by either a call (021) 111-11GOTO (4686) or email